Fear of Death and Love for Life: Edith Stein and the Encounter with the Dying

By Stephan Kampowski|2024-03-04T10:14:56+01:0022 December 2021|Affectivity, Assisted Suicide, Bioethics, Book Reviews, End of Life Issues, Euthanasia|

The booklet here presented: "Ti sarò vicino. Sulle tracce di Edith Stein: empatia e incontro col morente" ["I shall be close to you. On the footsteps of Edith Stein: empathy and the encounter with the dying"] by Guido Miccinesi encourages us to interpret our fear of death in the light of our love for life. And we love life to the extent that there are people in it whom we love and inasmuch as we know ourselves to be loved. The main concern of the dying, then, turns out not to be so much different from the main concern of the living. In fact, there would seem to be a strict correspondence between our way of living and our way of dying. We want to love and be loved.

The Body of Christ: The Ultimate Foundation and Full Realization of the Unity of Truth and Love

By José Granados|2024-03-04T10:17:01+01:0014 December 2021|Body, Creation, Jesus Christ, Love, Sacraments, The Twelve Theses, Truth, Twelve Theses|

The second thesis of the Veritas Amoris Project seeks to explore how Christ brings with him the fulfilled unity of truth and love. If we believe that “only in the mystery of the incarnate Word does the mystery of man take on light” (Gaudium et Spes 22), this applies as well to the truth of love as a key to understanding human life. What the truth of love is all about, takes on light only if we look at Christ. And, at the same time, the mystery of Christ can best be perceived if we start from the truth of love as the key to understanding man, the world and God. To explore this topic, I will first link Christ to the unity of truth and love (1). I will look then for the appropriate vantage point to perceive this unity in his person and work (2). Finally, I will focus on the Gospel of John to show the different ways in which Christ and the truth of love go together, since John has placed special emphasis on this connection (3).

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